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Diablo Daily
www.aspsky.net  2003-6-25  动网先锋

从刚开始玩Diablo,我就喜欢用necromancer,一开始,别人都有expansion set,我没有,我就只有oringinal.
后来,有也有了expansion set,我会了mf,pk,everything,别人都说,necromancer pk最笨。但是我没有灰心。
我还是玩着我的necromancer, 我玩过exploding necromancer,revive necromancer.......so much~
后来,由于xici的sky告诉我怎样炼pk necro,我就练了一个,说起来真不简单,光charm就找了一大天。
经过一段时间的努力,终于成功了。 但是就过了半个月,这个游戏已经失去了原来的活力.他变得
和原来不一样了。骗子,hacker,duplicater,竟然有人说:1.10 is coming out, your account will be delete
if you whisper me ,i will help ya, /dnd accountname//password.这个人名字还叫blizzardsupport
羞不羞呀???我给了他一个acc,里面8个character,都是urmotherfucker之类的骂他的话。 朋友送了我
WF,结果消失了,我开始认为不能trust TC.要自己mf,终于,在1 week的努力下(*kpbot),WF*2,其他的jp不计其数

带人(rush)= cheater
dupelicate = cheater
make yourself up like a blizzard supporter = motherfucker
MF(kpbot) = motherfucker

上次HC一个lvl37bar想pk我的lvl35 Necro,他给我看了shaftstop,还骂人,说:chinese = pussy
我再也忍不住了,只好和他打。他一个WW就旋过来,一个悲惨的叫声叫了出来,我说了一句:serve on right(活该)
它的bar死了..........被iron maiden给炸死了,好可怜,就1 lvl就能用shaftstop了............现在连本也赔了。。
A arrogant barbarian who wants to PK a smart Necro' mancer
but he made himself a taco
A Brain made all of thingies
Strength is not the best......
intelligence rule and own everything!!!

This Frigging game belongs to hackers and dupers...
as i said: intelligence(hack) rule and own everything,mf(strength) is useless...
all I left,was a Necromancer Tactic....i hope everyone like it..

bone armor max
Bone spirit max
poison nova max
iron maiden max
clay golem 1
bone wall 1
lower resistance 剩下的都 他
过路all 1
注意:summoning skill只练一个clay golem
还有necro有个lvl 24得curse slows enemy and - resistance,那个练倒lvl5 without item

str 156(if use 08valor,165)
dex 237
vit 和energy不是固定的
只要和mana 700就ok

vs zon:
战术 #1:
armor: shaftstop or 08valor
helm: 09shako or 08
boots: waterwalk
glove: trang'out's claw
belt :rare belt fhr//life//other usefull mods
shield: stormshield(08 better block rate)
rings: 2 sojs
wand: wiz spike or suiside branch
if use shaftstop, a cham rune or sheal
ammy : mara
战术1是run sprit wall,charms use all life or life//PR,注意无论如何poison resistance必须max

战术 #2: 一样,只不过把shako 换成2 necro skill,life,mana,teleport charge ,fcr circlet
ammy换成teleport charge,life,mana,necro skill,fcr
战术2是和sorc一样,伺机teleport near zon,cast sprits
10 P&B charms or 8 P&B charm and 2 all res GC with life,剩下的all life//PR
无论如何zon is better than necro,赢得几率说得好点20%,this is the fate we cant change,hehe
不要complain:我的zon k Necro 100%赢,因为你看过king of necro pk么?(不是我。对不起,也不是首席男巫^^)
而且BN的character有些不平衡,再说如果是amazon_queen,或者是那位前辈这么说,我赞同,如果你是个newbie,就不要在这里show off,stupid fuckign jerk!!!

vs sorc:
sorc算是比较头疼的角色,但是一旦absorb resistance到了一定的程度,sorc = garbage for you
armor: guardian angel +UM
helm : shako um or veil hel rune(最好是ohm(+5 max cold resistance),如果str够)
wand : wizard Spike
rings : 2 raven
ammy: mara万花筒
belt: Tgod(thungergod war belt)
shield : luna um
boots: rare boots gives 40-50 fire,cold,lightnign resistance
glove:trang'out's claw
注意:要有100 more得extra resistance for cold,fire and lightning
因为,有些sorc,用lower resistance charge de item和cold mastery
一半的sorc PR low,他TP过来的时候,狂放poison nova(遇到PR高的你可惨了,好在最近厉害的sorc不多(在Ue,别的realm我就不知道了))
然后click住他cast sprit(方法很笨,反正absorb,不怕)

vs bar:
items same as vs zon
战术: 这个bar,要是lj bar(没damage reduce)简单:
iron maiden,然后狂放bone wall,一般比较野蛮的player(newbie)回使劲WW(找死呀),
他要是bersker,你用lower resistance ,然后找机会bone spirit
如果他是JP bar,就难了,注意faster run/walk charm一定得多,要是遇到speed bar可麻烦了
不过用- speed得curse
胜算 75%

vs paladin
melee paladin不用说,和bar一样
foh paladin 不要被conviction catch,item用high res ,absorb没问题

vs druid
lol,hahahahaha,一个druid with wearwolf
那这一把hell slayer,首先,弱点就是damage reduce = 最多70%还要with dupe 08gaze
iron maiden,bone wall,run
实在不行,用- speed or lower resistance bone spirit
如果使用thundermaul的druid,就要小心了,多拿fhr和frw sc

vs assassin
trap assassin不用说, fhr和用absorb item
melee assassin不大好对付,第一,他ias fast
第二,ith claw dmg高得要死
没办法,硬碰硬,好在bone spirit是magical dmg...

Anyways,a good tactic does only 20% of the wining pvp, the 60% is your computer(speed,lag),20% is your personal intelligence and contralling skill.
well,i decided to quit,but i will still on BBS.

Yours truly